4: Excerpt of article, “Triangles and Tribulations: The Gay Appropriation of Nazi Symbols,” by Amy Elman.

4: Excerpt of article, “Triangles and Tribulations: The Gay Appropriation of Nazi Symbols,” by Amy Elman.

Elman provides an argument against the queer community’s reclamation of the pink triangle, used by Nazis to label gay men during the Holocaust.

Suggested Activity: Have students read and discuss this excerpt, or the entire article, considering the following: Can a symbol of the Holocaust ever be reclaimed, even by queer Jews? What is behind this impulse to “reclaim”? What is gained or lost through this action? Why does Elman call this appropriation rather than reclamation? Do you ultimately agree or disagree with her?

Source: Elman, Amy. "Triangles and Tribulations: The Gay Appropriation of Nazi Symbols." Trouble and Strife. http://bit.ly/29QeS1Q.