1: Verse from the song “Moises Ville” by Jevel Katz.

1: Verse from the song “Moises Ville” by Jevel Katz.

This song was written and performed by Jevel Katz, who immigrated to Argentina from Lithuania in 1930 and became a popular singer and comedian within the Yiddish-speaking communities in both Argentina and Uruguay. In this verse, Katz describes what it was like walking down the streets in Moises Ville.

Suggested Activity: Play the excerpt for students and discuss its meaning. What picture does it paint of Moisés Ville and its population? To what extent does it seem the Jews have assimilated into their new environment? Why do you think the speaker calls Moisés Ville “a Jewish state” and “the pride of Argentina”? What musical style is this song in? Does it sound Eastern European or Latin American? Or both? 

Source: Katz, Jevel. Moisesville. RGS Music. January 2, 2006.